A Growing Market : Retail Ready Packaging

ICCA on their annual meeting in 2005 already mentioned that Retailer Packaging is becoming more and more important in the corrugated industry as rought two third of corrugated products end up in the retailer power continues to escalate with their influence encompassing many different aspects of the packaging supply chain. This trend is likely to continue over the next few years especially in the emerging markets.

With advertising becoming more and more fragmented with the rapid growth of new media, packaging plays an increasingly important role at the point of sale. It is generally accepted that about 70 – 75 % of purchasing decisions are made in store and as a result, it has become increasingly important for brand owners to ensure that their image is projected well so that their products can be easily and quickly recognized on shelf. As a result of this need, much development has been invested in ensuring that the primary packaging is attractive as well as functional. With the adoption of retail ready packaging it is seen as important that this image is carried through to the appearance of RRP on shelf.

Brand owners wish their brand to be easily and quickly recognised on the shelf. Recognition at the point of sale is critical as the range of products increases and the time taken in shopping decreases.

Both retailing itself and the methods used for moving goods from the point of production to the point of sale are constantly changing and improving and one of the most important developments in this area has been the rapid adoption of shelf ready or retail ready packaging.

Retail Ready Packaging has become one of the major areas of change in retailing as retailers look constantly for ways of improving efficiency and on shelf availability. Packaging plays a key role by improving merchandising productivity and enhancing display appeal.

There were two key elements that were critical and these were as follows:

  • There will be a continuing reduction in the sizes of outers as retailers wish to offer a greater variety of products
  • Brand owners will want their products to be presented in an optimal manner to ensure that the brands are well displayed to potential buyers.

The guidelines of effective RRP, namely that outers should be:

  1. Easy to Identify
  2. Easy to Open
  3. Easy to Merchandise
  4. Easy to Shop
  5. Easy to Dispose/recycle

Retail Ready Packaging – create optimal packaging solutions – for the producers, retailers and end user of the product.

Multipack constituring both a logistical unit as well as – after removing the upper part along the perforations – a display element comprising the product merchandising of the company.

Smurfit Kappe realizing the important of Retail Ready Packaing, therefore they have made programmes to invite to the retail industry the important of RRP by giving training to the purchasing mareketing of RRP, Taking Shelf Ready Packaging to being Retail Ready as well as Fast track the development of RRP through access of full facilities and resources in a one day session.